Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

Review: Eric Chou Odyssey Journey concert

For many Mando-pop listeners, May 19 marked the day of indulgence in an auditory feast of “hot chocolate and champagne”, a sublime combination of...

Cry for help heard: New government policy cracks down on vaping

As the world struggles to keep its youngsters out of the booming vaping market, Australia is not exempt from this youth vaping epidemic. In a...

Call for formal menstrual leave

As I graduated high school back in June 2022, being enrolled under the February intake meant I had a chance to study in Taiwan...

Sharon Wongosari

Sharon Wongosari is a first-year student at the University of Sydney studying Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications), majoring in Media and Communications and Project Management. With large enthusiasm for writing and video production, she hopes to pursue a career in journalism.