Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.
Film Review: The Teacher Who Promised the Sea
Patricia Font’s latest film The Teacher Who Promised the Sea shines a poignant light on the haunting echoes of the Spanish Civil War.
The film...
Sydney Writers’ Festival Review: ‘Feast’ and ‘The Dinner Dilemma’
As the Sydney Writers' Festival often evokes the impression of “bookworms”, the “nerds” and the “intellects”, it may come as a surprise that it...
Review: Ngaiire dazzles audience at Sydney Opera House
When Ngaiire began to sing I felt as if I was being shaken to life.
As a first timer to the Sydney Opera House, I...
Review: Vänskä conducts the Music of Sibelius
Jean Sibelius is undoubtedly Finland’s most celebrated composer. While typically remembered for his passionate symphonic works and concertos, Finnish conductor Osmo Vänskä’s latest show...
Review: Kandisky, Art Gallery NSW
Kandinsky is an artist famous for his bright colours and bold abstract forms. While many may have seen a few of his best-known paintings,...
Finding the light: Wildschut & Brauss dazzle in opening Sydney show
The City Recital Hall in Sydney’s Angel Place is usually quiet on a Saturday afternoon, drawing only the most passionate classical music lovers together...
What the hell is an “AUSTRALIAN STORY”?
"What the Hell is an Australian Story?" was an insightful talk show punctuated by humour.
It opened with the creative director of Word Travels, Miles...
Review: War, the State and girls at arms
The rise of indie game Marfusha as a part of exported Chinese soft power
Quick-paced shooting, characters drawn in pixel anime style, and the dark,...
Review: Unfriend the Algorithm, Antidote Festival
Yi Xu -
Should government step in to protect us from Big Social Media?
Leading communications expert Ed Coper joined former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last Sunday to...