Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

Fiery Red Pearl

In “Fiery Red Pearl,” Fang’Ao Leng offers a masterful reinterpretation of a traditional folk tale rooted in the shamanistic beliefs of her northeastern Chinese hometown. Set a century ago, it tells the story of Henyu, a young woman born into a struggling hunter’s family, who seeks refuge from her father’s domestic abuse in the surrounding mountains. There, she serendipitously rescues a fox spirit ensnared in a trap, an act that changes her life. Through this podcast, Henyu, now a venerable great-grandmother, recounts her life’s tale. Her narrative prompts her great-granddaughter, and listeners alike, to explore enduring, thought-provoking questions that are perhaps more pertinent today.

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Set a century ago, it tells the story of Henyu, a young woman born into a struggling hunter's family, who seeks refuge from her father's domestic abuse in the surrounding mountains.


Fang'Ao Leng
Fang'Ao Leng
Fang'Ao Leng is a graduate student majoring in media practice at the University of Sydney. She enjoys listening to classical music, opera, reading books, and traveling around the world. Yet her podcasts are often inspired by memories of her childhood home. She is currently preparing for a PhD in media management.

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