Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

Sirius and the Moon

星願, 闡述的是一對兄妹的故事 。
妹妹從小嫉妒著如天狼星般閃耀的哥哥,拚命掩飾自己如月亮坑洞的缺陷 。


“If you were a celestial body, what do you think you’d be?”

“Sirius and the Moon” tells the story of a brother and sister.

The sister had always been jealous of her outstanding, genius brother- likening her experience to the unassuming moon which can never outshine the Sirius star.

But things changed when she learned her brother’s cancer diagnosis and experienced their separation.

Sirius, dazzlingly breathtaking; and the moon, humbly intriguing – can they ever share the same sky?

Through reminiscing on the brother’s chemotherapy, this podcast unveils the siblings’ journey of reflection and reconciliation.

And to you, who might be experiencing jealousy or downs: we hope this podcast serves as a little comfort and reminder of your own place in the sky.

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Sharon Wongosari
Sharon Wongosari
Sharon Wongosari is a second year student studying Media and Communication at the University of Sydney. With both Indonesian and Taiwanese background, she has a profound interest in exploring topics such as languages, culture, psychology and current affairs.

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