Fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students
of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney.

Podcast: Zombies, Zombies, Zombies episode 1

Who hasn’t thought about the zombie apocalypse? Bella Salier definitely has. Listen to Zombies Zombies Zombies and become enlightened on all the classic tropes of the zombie myth and the development of the film genre over time. Additionally, compare notes with members of the public on what you would do in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse (a girl can dream, right?)

Become enlightened on all the classic tropes of the zombie myth and the development of the film genre over time.


Bella Salier
Bella Salier
Bella Salier (she/her) is completing a bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) and Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English, at the University of Sydney. If Bella isn’t reading as many books as she can or writing what will hopefully be the next Normal People, she’s on the hunt for the grooviest bars she can find (and recommend to people, and revel in how cool it makes her look). She hopes to work in the world of reviews, whether that be books, film, or the best place for cheap dumplings (Dumpling King on King St; trust her).

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