Salience showcases fresh, thoughtful journalism and creative works produced by students of the School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney. Salience reflects the work of a globally oriented and engaged student body, with strong international student participation.
Salience showcases fresh, thoughtful journalism by students in the Discipline of Media and Communications, School of Art, Communication and English at the University of Sydney. Publicly launched in November 2018, this site builds on the original 2010 version, and results from the planning and dedication of many current and former staff, especially Rob Crompton, Phil Glen, Alison Ray, Steven Maras, Fiona Martin, Jonathon Hutchinson, and Fiona Giles. Salience reflects the work of a globally oriented and engaged student body, with strong international student participation. Many people contribute to the site. Students in the undergraduate BA and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) produce content as part of these units: MECO1003 Principles of Media Writing MECO2601 Media Production: Audio Design and Podcasting MECO3602 Online Media MECO3606 Advanced Media Writing MECO3609 Critical Practice You’ll also see the work of postgraduate students from the Master of Media Practice and the Master of Publishing who have studied: ENGL6984 Creative Non-Fiction Workshop MECO6900 News Writing MECO6914 Making Magazines MECO6915 Writing Features: Narrative Journalism MECO6924 Television and Video Journalism MECO6925 Online Journalism MECO6935 Professional Project MECO6938 The Interview MECO6941 Podcasting
Pam Walker is a tutor in Media and Communications, University of Sydney, University of NSW; freelancer The South China Morning Post; communications teacher Sydney TAFE; editor, NewsLocal, The Fairfield Advance; former journalist and editor Courier Newspapers (Group Arts Editor, inaugural editor Central, editor and news editor The Wentworth Courier), editor The Glebe (Cumberland); journalist Fairfax Community Newspapers (the Fairfield City Champion); and editor AMG publications The City Hub, The Bondi View, The City News. Former media adviser for City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.
Please note that contributions to Salience can be done by recommendation of the academic staff of the School of Art, Communication and English, University of Sydney. However, if you have received a High Distinction mark on your paper, please send it to